*First week of school* : Bitch, I’m gonna work so fucking hard. I’m getting straight A’s ! *Second week* : Screw this shit. I give up.


F.A.I.L = First Attempt In Learning.


Läste detta nyss:

W.T.F = Where's The Food?

Love it!^^
xo Kaktus


Yes, coloring books!" Middle school: "WTF is this first grade??" High school: "Ok, who the f*ck took my red crayon?!" ...

I know I'm not the only one who still uses my fingers to count. #HeyThatsSoTrue

Even when I have absolutely nothing to do, homework is not an option. #HeyThatsSoTrue

Going to school with ten pens and coming back with only one. #HeyThatsSoTrue

that is just wroong

That awkward moment when you see 9 year olds with boyfriends or girlfriends, while you're still single. #HeyThatsSoTrue

10-year-old girls crying because they broke up with their boyfriends. When I was 10, I cried when I missed the morning cartoons #HeyThatsSoTrue

feelingss and sstuff

Smile. Why? Because it makes you attractive. It changes your mood. It relieves stress. And it helps you stay positive.

Cry if it makes you feel better, and scream if it makes you feel free. #HeyThatsSoTrue

Time passes, memories fade, feelings change, people leave, but the heart never forgets. #HeyThatsSoTrue

As you breath right now, another person takes their last. So stop complaining, and learn to be thankful for what you've got. #HeyThatsSoTrue

No one every gets tired of loving, but everyone gets tired of: waiting, assuming, hearing lies, saying sorry, and hurting. #HeyThatsSoTrue

Being called pretty by your friends is a lot different than being called pretty by a guy. #HeyThatsSoTrue


Hi, I love you. But I'm not going to tell you, because a guy like you would never fall for a girl like me. #HeyThatsSoTrue

Hi, I'm a bra. And I touch your girlfriends boobs everyday. Jealous yet? #HeyThatsSoTrue

So true..

Friends are like boobs, some are real and some are fake.


Ever notice it's spelled stuDYING?



Don't let people push you around. Unless it's in a wagon or something, because that could be fun. #HeyThatsSoTrue

;D Haha, det var ju faktiskt riktigt kul  :D

Singel and pretty much me, lol

❒ single ❒ taken ✔ no one likes me. #HeyThatsSoTrue

❒Single ❒Taken ✔ will die alone with 72 cats.

The other day

When I say "the other day". It can mean any time from yesterday to 364 days ago.

Yes, I hate it, don't you?

Don't you hate when you read in your head and you sound like a pro, but when it comes to reading aloud you sound like a complete retard. #HeyThatsSoTrue


I hate it when, I meow at cats, and they don't meow back. Unbelievably rude.


Not reading instructions and attempting to figure it out yourself.

The day I get my license is the day you get hit by a car. #HeyThatsSoTrue

Internet connection failed!: ❏ Wait patiently. ✔ Rape the refresh button. #HeyThatsSoTrue

Saying "what?" and then realizing what they said seconds later. #HeyThatsSoTrue

That awkward moment when you're telling a story and realize no one's listening so you slowly fade out and pretend you never said anything. #HeyThatsSoTrue


Some kids want drugs, some want alcohol. Honestly, all I want is a good nap .

Totally me

Headphones: ON. World: OFF.



Många av er känner nog till en hemsida som heter Twitter för er som inte gör det så kan man på enklaste sätt säga att det är en micro-blogg. Man skriver vad man vill (oftast det man gör under skrivande stund), men det får inte vara mer än 140 tecken. Många kan tycka att det är tråkigt och konstigt men då får man tänka efter vad man vill skriva och tänka på att varje detalj kanske inte är viktig. Men hej, vi har ju för att skriva om allt, visst?

I alla fall så tänkte jag att jag skulle skriva lite saker jag hittar på Twitter och tycker är roliga eller intressanta. Allt kommer att finnas under kategorin: Twitter, smart va? xP

Så här kommer det första jag ville dela med mig:

"A smoking section in a restaurant is like a peeing section in a swimming pool."

Jag tvingar ingen till inget men, eftersom det är min blogg så kan tänker jag del med mig med olika saker och ni är välkomna till att komentera.

P.s ni kan itta mig på Twitter under: SunsetIcecream (klicka bara på namnet så kommer n till min sida på en gång)

Kramar från eran Kaktus :*

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